How to store the battery of an electric bike?

Möbius Bike vélo bambou

To take care of your electric bike as a whole and increase its durability, you should not neglect the maintenance of the battery, especially its handling and storage.

Let's start with a small definition point , the Lithium-Ion battery is a liquid energy accumulator that uses lithium in its ionic form.

The advantages of this battery are various. First, it has a high energy density (energy per unit volume) and a high mass energy (energy per unit mass). In addition, this type of battery is not affected by the memory effect and it allows a reduction in self-discharge.

These characteristics make this battery one of the best current solutions for powering electric bicycles .

While Lithium-Ion batteries are relatively safe, it is important to handle and store them safely. Möbius shares all the essential advice with you in this article.

electric bike lithium ion battery

There are 4 main dangers of Lithium-Ion batteries that can be avoided by following storage rules

Electrical overload

An electrical overload occurs when too much current flows through your battery wires.
The causes are various and can be linked to an unsuitable charger, a complete discharge of the battery (a charge level of around 30% is recommended) or even failure to respect storage temperatures between 5 and 15°C.
The main risk is the arrival of a short circuit or in the worst case, a fire.

Mechanical damage

In the event of damage to the battery , the cells of the latter may be deformed. The main reasons for damage are falling on hard ground or a strong collision.

The risk involved with mechanical damage is an internal short circuit of the battery.

Thermal overload

External heat or energy sources can heat up the batteries and cause thermal overload.
This phenomenon occurs when the battery is near open fires, in a hot machine room or stored in direct sunlight. The storage temperature not to be exceeded is 50°C.

High thermal energy can lead to high pressure and the release of flammable gases into the air until the battery explodes: this is called thermal runaway.

Prolonged contact with water

The batteries are rainproof, but should not be immersed directly in water. Prolonged contact with water will damage them.

We also advise you to store your battery in a dry place.

To sum up

electric battery hazards

Store your bicycle battery safely by avoiding:

- Electrical overload
- Mechanical damage
- Thermal overload
- Prolonged contact with water

You will find in your user manual all the information relating to the storage and handling of the battery . We can only recommend that you pay great attention to it and follow the instructions for use and maintenance.

So you can enjoy your bike safely.

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